And the Gift Goes To . . .
May 27, 2024 at 1:02 pm | 10 months agoI’m screaming my gratitude and beaming with joy for all of the Goodreaders who entered my giveaway for an autographed copy of my debut novel, Ajha’s Web: A Series. THANK YOU!
I wish I were able to send one to each of you. Hang in there with me, and one day I will! Your support and enthusiasm makes the arduous pleasure of creative writing, in the midst of life’s daily grind, worth the committment.
It has been a gift for me to see so much interest in this story. Whether you’ve won this episode of Ajha’s Web or the experience is bought and paid for, I hope you enjoy it! And the next . . . and the next . . . and the next . . .
Goodreads has randomly selected the following entrants to receive a free copy.
CONGRATULATIONS: Anna-Marie, Anju, Joey, Staci, Alisa, Tiffany, Lindsay, Lucie, Elisabeth, Noelle, Tabitha, Kathi, Syndi, Jennifer, Kara, Sofiya, Diana, Sula, Bomi, and Katherine!
THANKS AGAIN TO EVERYONE who showed interest. I appreciate you all!